Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It’s Not So Far Away

It’s that time again. It’s time for…

I’m linking up with Jamie to share all of the love in my life. As usual, there is a lot to love.

1) First of all, I am loving that I have had the opportunity to work a recreation day camp in my college town for the last two weeks. It is called Okra Camp. Hey, don’t hate on our mascot! I am learning a TREMENDOUS amount as I go, and that has been very fun. Has it been trying at times? Yes. Am I tired? YES! But I am very thankful for the opportunity, and I am learning a lot not just about sports. It has been fun to meet and get to know the staff members, and the children never allow for boring moments. I’m also getting a pretty neat tan. It’s almost a burn. I’ll get some sunscreen.


These kids are getting to do things that they would probably never be able to do. It is very rewarding to see them as they enjoy these activities and learn more. To see some more of what we have been doing you can go here!

2) Second, I am LOVING that on Friday I will be going back to Hernando. Guess what?!? Zach is there as well! This will be the first time in almost a year that we will be in the same town for good. I am PRETTY excited. As soon as he moved back from Texas I went off to camp, and I’m ready to just be together.


3) I am loving the welcome that I am getting from the Hope Sullivan crew before I have even gotten there! It makes me so excited to start off there and slightly chips away some of the nerves.


What are you loving this Wednesday, reader friends? There’s much to love.

Shaped by Grace,


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