Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Blessed Beyond Words!!!

Okay, so this is the main reason I wanted to start a blog in the first place:   What I'm Loving Wedensday!
Who doesn’t like to talk about what they love?!?
Well, it’s a link up with Jamie every Wednesday. I’m pretty sure it will be one of the highlights of my week.
Well…for starters I am loving that one of my beautiful besties, Amber Marie, has toted me around and allowed me to take her car while my poor Sarafina has been broken. Not many people would do that, but she’s a pretty generous gal. I kinda love her a little bit. If you want to check out her blog you can. Just click here. She’s a wonderful writer, and I think you would thoroughly enjoy her blog.
Yes, we’re close. Ha
I’m also loving that a precious couple at FBC Cleveland heard about my need, and handed me the keys to an extra car they have. They told me to keep it as long as I needed it, and if my car could not get fixed then I have a really good deal on a set of wheels. Can ya say answered prayer?!?    
I’m loving that I got to go running tonight. I did not think that I was going to get to, but I got to go a lovely two miles. I’m also loving that I did not squash any of the froggies that plagued the track as I was running. I was able to successfully avoid them finding their fate under my running shoes. One did get kicked, but he is still alive. Hey, he should know better than to hop on a running track!!!  

Lastly, but NOT least, I am LOVING that some of the students I have the blessing of working with at FBC have come and asked me how they can be involved in missions this summer. They have come and asked for applications and how to get to applications, and it REALLY makes my heart smile...BIG!!! Can I get a “hallelujah, praise the Lord, AMEN”?!?

It’s been a wonderful Wednesday, and I’m loving a lot!!! I am truly blessed beyond words. Can’t wait to tell you all about it next week!!!

Shaped by Grace,
Jessica Nicole


  1. This is a LOVELY WILW post! Your bestie sounds kindo of grand! JK...Thank you for saying all those sweet words! (I love that you picked that pic. of us btw). Keep it up. You have an amazing writer's voice. Keep writing, and they will come. Love, love!

  2. Ha thanks!!! I don't remember how to respond via e-mail. I need a couple more crash courses. ha What better pic than that to prove how close we are? ha

  3. Love all of this! Love how sweet your friendship with Amber is. Aren't friend like that a blessing? And when you want to reply via email, just click "reply" like you would a regular email. :)
